A Slow Living Spring Afternoon || Simple Slow Days
It is in the spring season that all of the earth’s living creatures emerge from the cold, dark days of winter and launch into a more upbeat pace of life. We humans are an intricate part of that cycle.

There is new life bursting forth all around us. The animal kingdom is birthing their young. And the plant kingdom teems with fresh blossoms and blooms. There’s a sense of anticipation at this time of year that is ever present in the very air that we breathe.
It’s the perfect time for us to adjust the way we spend our days to include more physical activity and increased time spent outdoors. It’s also time to take measures in our daily life to shift, from the slower paced, introspective shroud of winter, into the busier, sunnier days of this life affirming season.
Breathe New Life Into Your Outdoor Space
Some would say that spring is a representation of the beginning of the life cycle’s of Nature. I would agree. And I find that taking advantage of the shift in the world around us, that comes with the arrivial of the spring equinox, is both satisfying and wise.

It is not technically the start of a new year. Yet, with all of the signs of new life surrounding us, it very much feels like we are ushering out last year as we embrace this new season.
No matter how large or small your outdoor living space is, taking time to breathe new life into it for the warmer weather ahead, is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
This space can serve as a little oasis where you enjoy slow mornings, chilly evenings, and sunny afternoons. It can be a place of respite from a busy day. And making it functional and beautiful is a great way to welcome the spring season.
So, prepare the bbq for tasty warm weather meals, clean up the outdoor furniture, string a few sets of fairy lights, plant some spring flowers, and add a splash of vibrant color wherever you can in your outdoor space.
And then do your best to make enjoying that space a part of your daily routine.
Take A Leisurely Hike
Walking is one of the activities we can engage in to promote communication between the left and right sides of our brain. And a communicative brain is a healthy brain.

However, there is a level of communication that occurs between them during the REM sleep cycle that is truly beneficial to our overall health. This type of communication occurs between them when we are walking as well.
The sunny days of spring are the absolute perfect time to get out in Nature and take a hike. For me, that’s a leisurely hike; more like a walk. You do you. An aggresive hike has many benefits if you’re up to it.
I like to take my time, and soak in all of the sights and sounds of new life emerging from the sleepy winter season. I like to see the buds on the trees, stop and check out the flowers popping up through the soil, and listen to the birds chirping joyfully from their woodland perches.
Call me easy to please … I think this is a great time! Mindfully observing the season change, and fully breathing in the fresh air, lifts the spirits and results in a significant increase of energy.
Who doesn’t want that?!?!
Enjoy An Outdoor Picnic
Packing a simple, nourishing picnic to eat, while you’re out for your walk enjoying the signs of spring, will turn the whole affair into a full afternoon event. Take it a step further, and try to design your meal around seasonal foods ,and your day turns into an act of reverence honoring the return of the spring season.

There isn’t a great abundance of fresh local food available at this time of year where I live. But I try to get my hands on whatever I can. I can usually pick up some greens from local farmers who are growing them in greenhouses.
And there is a hydroponic farmer, who is local to me. He has quite a nice variety of spring vegetables at this time of year as well.
Do your best to seek out whatever fresh spring season produce you can find in your area and pack a simple meal to enjoy on a park bench, or sitting on a blanket on the forest floor.
Even if you don’t get any further than your own backyard, get yourself out there in the fresh spring air with a spring themed picnic and make it an experience.
Make The Season’s First Batch Of Sun Tea
Making the season’s first batch of sun tea is always high on my to-do list at this time of year. I find that sun tea is a great way to honor the return of the sun to our days.

It tastes so much better than tea brewed indoors. Not that I don’t love tea brewed indoors. I do. A hot cup of tea on a cold winter’s day is a really good thing.
But, the infusion of the energy of the sun, in a batch of delicious herbal tea, is very special. And the first batch is particularly indulgent. I like to follow the brewing of my first batch with a simple tea ceremony.
Nothing elaborate. Just a basic ceremony held in true slow life style. This little act of reverence involves nothing more than myself, a glass of freshly brewed sun tea, and a heartfelt expression of gratitude for the sun’s faithful return to my days.
To brew sun tea, simply place the tea bags or herbs you want to use in a large glass jar. Cover the opening with a lid or cloth to prevent insects from getting into it. And set it outside in direct sunlight for 6-8 hours.
Once it’s had plenty of time to soak in all the sun’s energy, you can strain the organic material from it (or not), and ENJOY!
Clear Out Your Living Space
The change of the seasons is my quarterly reminder to do a little deep cleaning in my living space. I’m not gonna lie, I don’t go through the entire house and clean out every nook and cranny.

I used to do that when I was a young homemaker. But now, as a mature woman, I look back on those days and feel as though my time could have been better spent in other ways.
Still, I do like to give my space a bit more attention than it gets on a regular basis. Before I get started I make sure I have all of the natural cleaning supplies I’m going to need for the job.
I prefer not to slow down my momentum, once it gets going, by stopping to make a cleaning product. It’s better to have enough at the start.
Then I go through the house scrubbing, sorting, and polishing anything in need of some extra love. As I finish each room I spray some natural air freshener in it and open the windows to let the spring season find it’s way indoors.
These simple changes make a big difference in the energy of the room. You can feel the shift just as profoundly as you can feel the shift in the atmosphere outside. Everything seems more vibrant and full of positive forward moving energy.
Start Preparing The Garden
For those with a garden, this is the time of year to get it prepped for planting. You can get your beds cleaned out and fed. Make sure your tools are in good repair.

Divide any perennials that are outgrowing their space. And repair, remove, or replace trellises and other support structures that need attention. It feels great to get out and get your hands dirty for the first time in months.
Working in the garden feeds the soul. I will be without a space to garden in this year. But that won’t stop me completely. It never does.
When I find myself in this position, I usually grow whatever I’m able to in containers. For many years, I believed that container gardening was just a waste of time. Perhaps that belief system stemmed from growing up in a farming area.
With large crops being harvested all around me, It felt like the little harvest that generally comes from a plant in a container didn’t really count. But trust me … it certainly does.
Not only because of the fresh herbs and veggies that you enjoy in your kitchen throughout the coming summer season, but because of the gratification that growing them yourself brings.
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